Friday, February 2, 2007

Blog the class!

I think blogging in class can be very useful because it gives the teacher the opprotunity to be able to express what they feel about things that go on in their classrooms with out verbally speaking. I can see it being used as a tool to connect with other schools around the country to give insight on how their classrooms are being ran as well as what things they endure on a daily basis from their students.


Joe Reddick said...

I read your blog and you touched on a area I never thought about. Using blogging to keep in touch with schools or students from different areas or countries. Im going to be a history teacher and I think that would be a great way to reinforce culture

Anonymous said...

Using blogs to communicate with other school or students in other areas of the country would be a great idea. I really had not thought about using blogs in that way. If a teacher really wanted to they could blog anywhere in the world. I guess blogging could be a global classroom if a teacher wanted to take it to that extreme.